Wednesday, June 23, 2010

live and learn

I remember when the world turned at our street
every night we were running
i remember how it used to be back in the day
when people were together
and in it all the way
when down for life meant something real and true
promises were kept and i could still trust you

i remember when the world turned at our street
now its its turning in smaller circles and i can see past this
Its getting brighter the longer it turns

and now promises made are best forgotten
the truth is you turned your back
and now were broken
i still remember when honesty meant honesty
and you still meant something to me

ill choose my own path everyday
with no help from you.
i used to know you.i used to know you
live and learn

take the time
Some people are still screaming for change
even after all these years nothing has changed
but some still believe
i still believe
i still believe
i still believe
i always will

im positive,i have a strong will
perseverance and determination
real change comes from withinn

theres people still screaming
and are a step apart
fromwhat has gone before

i still believe
i still believe
i still believe
i always will

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